All quiet in the loom shed.

It’s been all quiet in the loom shed lately, as I’ve been unable to do any weaving.  To be honest, I’ve actually been unable to do most things!!
After suffering with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, I had an operation to fix it three weeks ago.  I wasn’t really sure what to expect in terms of mobility afterwards, but I never expected to be as incapacitated as I have been.
As the operation is performed under a local anaesthetic, I decided to watch – not often you get the chance to see inside your own hand!  Looking at the rather small incision, I was very surprised when it ended up looking like this:
It felt like I was wearing a boxing glove!  Thankfully that wasn’t on for too long, it came off after 5 days and I had a chance to see how my hand was looking, albeit under steri strips.  I was quite impressed, even with the swelling and bruising.
Time for a nice wee dressing…
The wound was kept dressed for two weeks and then I finally had a chance to see what was causing me all the pain!
It’s now just over three weeks since the operation and the wound site is healing nicely.  Unfortunately, I still have a lot of pain and the mobility in my hand has a long way to go, but I’m hoping I’ll be back weaving within the next few weeks.

2 thoughts on “All quiet in the loom shed.”

  1. Hi Rebecca,
    I am so happy to have tracked you down here, quite by chance, via Costello’s facebook page, and a link by The Harris Tweed Authority, to your page, via the Choir. Absolutely fabulous website. Well done! I had to skip past the operation. Muirt! I would never have made a nurse. Your tweeds are stunning. I am coming for a day trip to visit you in November. Have a month off.

  2. I saw your fabulous stags and coos that someone posted on face book and would love to order some. I am a native Hearrach living in Glasgow. Is this possible ? They could be collected as my brother Alick of ex tarnert store game! Lives in deilebost email is mobile 07810185449. Thanks Mary

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