What a week (and it’s only Tuesday)

If you’re reading this you’ll realise I have a new website!  My very talented friend built me this for my birthday, and I’m delighted with it!  I’ve had a lot of positive feedback so far, so I think she deserves a nice bottle of something as a thank you.

Weaving wise, things have been on overdrive.  I’d been asked to sell tweeds in my local shop as they have a crafts section and so I’d packaged up a few different patterens (cut to 2 metre lengths) to take down to them.  I had them sitting in my loom shed and a visitor to the shed today saw one of the them and asked if she could buy it.  No problem I thought, I’ll just package up another 2 metre length.

I was down at that shop today giving a wee talk to a lovely tour group about Harris Tweed and my weaving and I had all my tweed parcels with me to give to them.  I’d also taken down some samples for the group to ‘have a feel’ and some of the group then asked if they could buy a couple of the tweeds I’d taken down for the shop! I’m now back home, and packaging up some more tweed for the shop – they’ll get there eventually!

Last week I was fairly happy with my stock level but with these (fantastic) sales, I’m seeing my stock level rapidly decreasing – better get back to the loom!

4 thoughts on “What a week (and it’s only Tuesday)”

  1. Hello Rebecca,
    Are you open at anytime today please? I know it’s Sunday and by the looks of your blog you need to be firmly attached to your loom to get your stock pile up again. We are at scarista house til tomorrow but the ferry doesn’t leave til the afternoon. If I miss you,maybe next time. By the way,which shop do you supply please? Thanks. Angela

    1. Hi Angela

      I’m sorry but I’m not open at all today. I’ll be here tomorrow though if that’s of any use to you? I supply An Clachan, the local shop in Leverburgh.

        1. Lovely to have met you this morning! Hope you had a good crossing and enjoy the rest of your trip.
          Kind regards

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